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LinkServ Offsite Computer Services

Complete Backup Protection

LinkServ OFFSITE protects your business by combining offsite and online backup in a single application. Our backup, archiving and recovery service is a powerful, yet simple to use solution and comes equipped with encryption backup tools previously available only to Fortune 500 companies. With an interface designed to be used by anyone in any size organization, this proven technology is user-friendly, reliable, ultra-secure and cost-effective.

Unbeatable Security
Ensuring that no one but you can ever access your data is a top priority to us.
Restoration 3X Faster
Files are available the moment you need them.
Block-Level Backup
Once a file has been saved once, our software backs up only changes, down to the block level.
Microsoft Exchange Support
We have developed Exchange Store specifically to manage backup, storage, and restoration of Exchange files.
Retention and Archiving
Rest assured that our online backup is a compliance-ready digital archiving solution.
Continuous Data Protection (CDP)
For documents that change rapidly and need continuous data protection, Set CDP to automatically send changes every 15 minutes.
Flexible Scheduling
Welcome to complete scheduling flexibility. Each backup set can be set to run at any user-defined time, on any user-defined frequency. There are default settings, of course, but every aspect of the schedule is easily configurable.

Offsite Backup

To find out more about our Backup Protection, contact us at 858-577-0246
or email us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.


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